Vote us!
The good people over at modDB have launched their annual "Mod of the Year" award competition. There are three phases and in the current phase 1, people can nominate their favourite mods. After Phase 1 the Top100 will advance to Phase 2 and in phase 3 the mod of the year will be announced.
Admittedly, the competition is fierce and we are a small mod for a 13 year old game. However, there are over 10.000 mods out there and we are convinced of the general performance and visual enhancements we have already brought to the game. The fact that this forum thread is relatively quiet right now is a little bit misleading.
• Our activity on GitHub is wonderful.
• The regular game textures are ready and awaiting the 2.76 release and we are working on setting up the advanced texture mapping with normal and specular maps.
• Thunderpwn has been hard at work replacing all static mapobject models to bring us one step closer to complete freedom from the license restrictions that are still in place.
• DimitriZer0 is working on a custom player model to replace the standard ones. Currently still in alpha state, the future plans are promising with different skins depening on the map setting and also appropriate backpack and gear for the different classes.
• There are currently 3 maps that are being worked on, to ship ET: Legacy with fantastic maps that make full use of the new, powerful renderer. These maps are Bergen, Würzburb Radar and Goldrush. And Seawall Battery is even a close candidate for a 4th map.
This sounds like a lot and you might now be wondering, why there aren't more news on Forums or Social media. The answer is, that the majority of these points are still in alpha state, which means they are still subject to constant change. We are testing different ways and approaches, which means that showing something off, could mean that after a few weeks this is already outdated. Nevertheless, if you are interested in the closer development and want to follow current discussions, bug and feature problematics and the occasional sneak-peek into said alpha state development, then please don't hesitate to join us in our public Gitter channel.
Our latest release 2.75 'Learning to Fly' from the 13th of September, has already been downloaded a staggering amount of 14.000 times! We are very proud of that fact and appreciate all the support we get from you, our community.
Please help us spread the word. If you have a modDB account, please take the 2 minutes and nominate us for the 'Mod of the Year' award. Let's make sure the global gaming and modding community, knows that great games can live to great age.
written by Kemon 8 years ago
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