Happy New Year 2021!
Happy New Year everyone.
We hope you all had a pleasant start into 2021 and wish you all the best for the coming year. Although, a new ET: Legacy release wasn't feasible in 2020, solid progress has been made towards a next version. ET: Legacy is continuously moving forwards in the direction we all want it to be. Even the competitive experience is being ironed out as the recent draft cup powered by TeamMuppet and organised by eMMiel showed. We are incredibly thankful for all the commitment all of you keep putting into this project and the feedback you are sending our way.
We are aware that this blog hasn't been used in quite some time and we would like to change that. Whenever there is something important to say, we will update it here and simply announce the blog post in our social media. To stay on the very top of things, your best bet is to join our Discord server. It recently made its transition to a community server, which improves interaction with all of you quite substantially. Also, it allows us to provide a hub for everyone interested in ET and even RTCW as we decided to add a news channel so you can always keep up-to-date with your two favourite games. Another recent event was the mentioned draft cup on ET: Legacy which was the very first tournament on Legacy mod. We are very happy with the way things are evolving and would like to extend another huge thank you to everyone who helped in that cup and especially the organiser eMMiel and TeamMuppet for providing the server infrastructure. Just before the holidays, the four currently release map overhauls received new versions and are in a better state than ever. These are: 'Supply Depot, by ginc', 'Frostbite, by Moonkey', 'Ice, by id software' and 'Bergen, by Detoeni'. This by far is not the end of the line as they are continuously updated and new overhauls are under way. Lead by Aciz with the overhaul of 'Special Delivery, by Apple'. Development of this overhaul can be followed on their Twitch channel.
There is still no clear ETA on the next full-fledged public release as there are few, but crucial issues remaining (see: this ticket). Therefore, the intermediate goal is to provide snapshot builds for public testing.
If you are interested in this game and feel like you can contribute in any way or are interested in learning what is necessary, please reach out. A community project lives off of the involvement, motivation and commitment of so many volunteers. In the meantime, please keep spreading the word to your friends, old clan-mates and whoever might be interested. Keep playing the game and provide feedback so that together we can continue to shape the game we all want to play.
written by Spyhawk 4 years ago
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