ET: Legacy

ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game

ET: Legacy Team Blog

ET: Legacy 2.82 - Better late than never!

Yes, that's the name of the release and yes, we are aware that we've deviated from the quarterly release plan since last year. On the bright side though, it has not yet been a full year since the last release as we're 4 days early!


For the full changelog, please refer to this page

Notable engine changes include

ETLTV We've started paving the way for ETLTVTrackBase In cooperation with TrackBase admins, additional statistics data is shared with server trackers • Server demos Yes, we're getting there! Automatic server demos have been reworked, they are still a work in progress, feedback is appreciated • Package Manager ET: Legacy is now available at SnapCraft

Notable mod changes include

HUD editor Significantly strengthened the functionality of the HUD editor ( • AltWeap Improved behaviour for alternative weapons (primarily riflenades) on death and respawn

Although we started the year with the unfortunate news that this year's LAN event will be cancelled, it is great to see the competitive scene being strengthened in ET: Legacy events Discord. We wish the admins all the best and are hopeful to see another LAN event in the future. ~~Possibly with an ET: Legacy dev team participating?~~

Thank you to everyone for testing the development snapshots and providing feedback resulting in this full release being again packed with features for you. It's great to see the community interaction as active as it is. If you have any thoughts on ET: Legacy, we would be glad to have you on our Discord.


written by Kemon 1 year ago

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