ET: Legacy

ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game
ET: Legacy - free open source multiplayer fps game

ET: Legacy Team Blog

ET: Legacy 2.80.1 'Path Cleared!'

With the ET: Legacy 2.80 'Clear the Path!' and the breaking in of a brand new decimal two weeks ago, we leaped into unknown territories.

Unfortunately, it seems like the ET: Legacy 2.80 release wasn't entirely clean. Especially, judging by the compatibility reports from you that we have seen. We now have identified and solved the primary cause of your spleen. But enough chit-chat, you're surely wondering: 'What does this mean?' Well, the culprit has been identified, so let us lift the smoke-screen: Reason for this hotfix is restored vanilla ET behaviour for activatelean. 'What are you even talking about?!' is what some of you might currently scream. Historically in ET, if you press +activate and A/D, instead of moving sideways, you will lean. In 2.80, this was not the case anymore, so we fixed it.

ET: Legacy 2.80.1 'Path Cleared!'


  • This hotfix comes with some further stability and performance improvements.
  • Compared to vanilla ET, the first airstrike bomb was delayed by 750ms, which has been adjusted.
  • The perceived shooting delay based on delayed firing sound on SDL2 audio backend has been addressed. This includes changed default settings as well as an additional cvar (s_sdlLevelSamps) you can set in the audio section in the in-game system options. NOTE: The actual delay of 100ms when shooting remains. This only addresses the perceived delay based on audio latency.

LAST NOTE: We are aware of a bug occasionally triggering a second firing sound when shooting. We can assure you, this is only 'cosmetic'. There is no second bullet actually being fired. However, we are still investigating this, so unfortunately, the bug remains.

written by Kemon 2 years ago

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