ET: Legacy 2.77 released!
'Capture the City!'
It's massive. It's stable! It's GODLIKE!
It was also overdue, but now it's finally time for ET: Legacy 2.77 *'Capture the City!', our most comprehensive release to date. Yes, we have been saying that about the past releases as well, but only because it's true! Thanks to an actually growing ET: Legacy community and more active interest and involvement by players and server owners alike, the amount of feedback we have received since 2.76 was absolutely astonishing. Thank you for that!
At this point we would like to extend the warmest of all regards to the TeamMuppet ET community, who braced against a continued storm of bugs and endured frequent server crashes and downtimes by testing unstable development snapshots. The feedback gathered through your playtests has been incredibly valuable!
So valuable in fact that we decided to provide those development snapshots publicly over here. They are a wonderful opportunity for us to massively shorten the release cycle in the future, lower the feedback barrier between developers and players and get hands-on experience on the latest features and bug fixes by the community.
We know the most interesting part of a new release is to read up on all the things that got fixed, added or changed, however, it's not possible to go through everything in detail here, so please have a look at the comprehensive changelog here. Nonetheless, there naturally are items on the list that stand out and we decided to compile them in the short list below:
- Added new download container system
- Fixed VM_Create crash when player had utf-8 chars in their username (Windows)
- Added HUD objective indicator
- Added clearer simple items icons (use cg_simpleItems 2 to only use simple packs and weapon)
- Added shoutcaster mode / Added shoutcast overlay
We still want to provide you with in-detail explanations regarding some changes, so please stay tuned for more blog posts in the future. For now, however, we think it's best to let you play around with this new release without further ado:
*If you are not yet part of our Discrod community, now is the ideal time to join. You will stay on top of things with news regarding ET, RTCW and most importantly ET: Legacy developlment. You can actively engage in discussion and help shape the game we all love to play. We are also happy to say that you can find active players in a growing competitive community on ET: Legacy. Things are starting to take shape and you can be right there with us!
written by Kemon 4 years ago
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